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Alternatives to Zoos and Aquariums

Instead of attending events and admissions at places that profit off of the exploitation of animals, try and find organizations whose primary purpose is conservation and to be a sanctuary. Non-profit organizations are typically a great start to finding animal entertainment without exploitation. Avoiding circuses and water parks who keep animals captive is always best. A few examples of environmentally conscious organizations are listed below.


Tallahassee Museum

Located in Tallahassee, FL, this conservatory is a great alternative to zoos and has a wide variety of land animals to look at. 


Miami Seaquarium 

The difference between the Miami Seaquarium and your typical aquarium are their conservation efforts. They aim to rescue and rehabilitate marine animals so they are not kept in captivity forever.


Marine Mammal Center

Located in San Francisco, CA, this organization advocates for ocean health and rehabilitates and releases sick seals, otters, and other marine mammals back into their natural habitats. 


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